Thursday, July 21, 2016

Sup guys.

edit: This is a joint statement from both myself and /u/FreedomsTorchI'm just going to ask that you don't reply without reading the entire letter. Its going to be long - just read it.After some extensive conversations in modmail it became abundantly clear during a moderator mail discussion that u/jaxspider had a fundamentally different outlook on how this subreddit should be moderated, both to my vision as well as other moderators. For that reason, among others, he or she is no longer a moderator of this subreddit. We wish them well and hold no grudges. They also did do a lot of good things in this sub. He was the person doing the CSS - I'm sure many of you may appreciate whats been done here in regards to CSS - thank him for that.I have always believed that my job as a moderator of this particular subreddit is to interfere as minimally as possible. Short of direct threats and doxing, I like to leave things up to the users. The reason the recent rules change went into effect is that none of the rest of us moderators tried to interfere in any substantial fashion. The rules likely came from the best of intentions. They just weren't implemented in a way the rest of the team was comfortable with here.Our current moderation policy will essentially revert to what was in place a week ago. We will still automatically filter links to the cop subreddit which shall not be named to avoid accusations of brigading and therefore potential quarantine/deletion of the subreddit. We will still filter new accounts to fight spam and manually approve those posts as needed. Unless your meme is certified dank, we'll probably remove it - even then, I'll remove it once I see it to make room for real news. We will leave the option to flair but not require it. Other than that, we plan to continue doing as little as possible.The one caveat is that we will be leaving the rules as they are in place on the sidebar with some minor modifications, both for tone as well as content (change from commands to suggestions). But as said earlier, no active moderation is planned, so they will essentially be guidelines instead of rules. We will revisit this down the road, not as a matter of enforcement, but as to whether or not they've added value to the user experience. This isn't an authoritarian subreddit - its the fucking internet. It never has been, never will be - absent my disappearance from here. At which point its because one of the 6 or 7 guys above me removed me OR because something happened to me IRL.This is your sandbox. Shit in it all you like - I'll try to keep it steered in the right direction as best I can - that said, these "rules" are for all of our benefit. I will explain why below. Feel free to disagree, rage, whatever. I don't care. This is the internet - it won't hurt my feelings. I'm just going to explain my thoughts and hopefully you will have taken the time to read, consider and process what I took the time to write to all of you. I fully plan to read all the comments that show up here.Anyone, I feel like I should give you an explanation of my logic (agree or disagree - doesn't matter, most of it isn't going to enforced much here anyway - well no. 1,2 and 5) for these rules.Rule 1 - Please post the date.This has been something I have wanted for a long fucking time here. Why? Simple: There is no reason for a story from 4 years ago to be the top post in this subreddit.There are so many CURRENT police abuses that when those hit the top - and its not an update on the story - it makes the subreddit less useful as a police accountability tool. Just as importantly - for every post that IS on the front page, there is going to be 1 that is bumped off of the front page. Those posts are not going to get near the traffic that our front page posts will receive. If they don't receive traffic, they don't get shared, if they don't get shared, they don't get picked up by national media.... etc etc etc.This is first and foremost an activist sub. We are doing ourselves AND MORE IMPORTANTLY THE VICTIMS OF THE ABUSE an inservice by failing to date the posts. You may say this sounds like hyperbole, I assure you it is not. I explain why below.If someone sees today's date - they know its current and click-worthy. If someone sees something that looks like something they saw last week - they pass skip over it. Dates will drive more traffic both to this subreddit and to the article in question. It will also makes it more likely that a sub like /r/tldr will pick it up or other subs will take notice because people will see the post and think "OH HEY A NEW STORY BETTER GET SOME KARMA BY REPOSTING THIS SHIT EVERYWHERE ELSE ON REDDIT."By driving traffic to these articles, it begets more articles because the places we drive traffic to will take notice and in America, news is about the news, its about profits. Part of profits is traffic.If you really want to be a fuckin rockstar- post the location too. Those 2 pieces of information are on the byline of every news article for reason. They are 2 of the most important pieces of information in every article.Flair if you like. I don't see a reason to make a moderator just to remove things that aren't wearing their yellow star. It just isn't productive to the goal. So that shit is out. Also - we will not be adding flair for pns posters. Stop asking for that. They don't get a yellow star either. If you want to flair them, get RES already.Rule 2 - Limit the verbal abuse.Pretty simple really. I changed the verbiage. Why should we limit the verbal abuse? Well, because you guys are a bunch of assholes and I really fucking hate getting reports. This is your sandbox. I'd prefer you guys were civil? Why? Well, it would raise the level of discourse here. Which comment would you prefer to read?1) Suck my balls. Fuck you cocksucker. You PIG BOOT LICKER (I figured I'd copy clips from some of my inbox recently)2) That officer is likely to receive his full pension despite having been completely out of line. This shooting of 6 year old Juan Howard should not have happened. Until the thin blue line is erased, we can expect more bad cops to be put in a position of power - a position they do not deserve. I feel bad for the citizens of Gofuckyourselfistan. They can't even concealed carry there thanks to overbearing rulesets. (Idk what the fuck I'm writing about, but its still better than reading FUCK THAT PIG SHOULD DIE!)Personally, I'd rather read something closer to the 2nd. The level of discourse here much of the time recently has declined. We want you guys to step it up. So quit being dicks and just express yourself beyond a 5th grade level. This isn't for all of you, but for the ones that this is directed at - you don't know who you are, but you should.Secondly - We do not want this subreddit Quarantined. That would be a complete disaster not only for this sub itself - but for the victims of police abuses everywhere. You may think I'm overstating our relevance - but I'm not.Why would it be so bad? /r/news, /r/politics, /r/adviceanimals, /r/otherfrontpagesubs - They don't allow stories about police abuses. Keeping us as a part of /r/all (which has been very rare as of late) is vital to our ability to drive traffic to these stories. If these stories don't get traffic - news outlets stop covering them. They stop covering them - you stop seeing them on facebook 3 days after they happen. Then so do your friends. Then everyone stop caring or stops knowing there is a major problem with the police here in America. Simple as that.Again, there is a profit motive for news outlets. They won't cover these stories if no one can drive traffic to them. Reddit is one of the largest drivers of traffic in America. I think Facebook or Twitter is number 1, but reddit is too high up there to be ignored by any outlet.Rule 3 - Fake cop subreddits aren't going to be mentioned here for the same as the reasons above.1) They bump good posts off the front page.2) They are unverified and unverifiable.3) They distract from our agenda - which is to go after real cops. Not people pretending to be the police on the internet.4) Harassing/doxxing/brigading them could send us the way of an a great sub that I still dearly miss, /r/fatpeoplehate (check out /r/adiposeamigos if you miss it too). We don't want that.5) Why would you give trolls attention - it only serves to make them grow and to make them appear more often.This rule will remain enforced. If you can tell me how linking to them will be Verifiable, identifiable without doxxing(stories aren't any good if we don't know when, where, who or how it happened), how these posts won't bump good posts off the front page (they will) and how they don't belong in /r/drama or /r/subredditdrama instead - I am all ears. But if it doesn't meet ALL of that (impossible) criteria - it is FIRMLY off topic/spam. That is not the scope of this subreddit. Yes - I'm (one of) the boss(es), I(we) get to define the scope of the sub. There is unanimous agreement on this one amongst the mods as best I can tell.Like I said before - This is an activist subreddit - Not some fucking internet /r/drama subreddit. Yes I'm plugging another sub I mod - theres like a 100 of them. Go subscribe. Or unsubscribe. Or go fuck yourself. I don't really care what you do. There are plenty of subs that can be /r/shitfakeinternetcopssay - this just isn't it.Ok - I've told you where to post that shit- We can move on now.Rule 4 - MemesThis is an activist subreddit. Not /r/adviceanimalsCONGRATS GUYS! YOU DID IT! OUR MEME MADE BERNIE THE PRESIDENT!Posting memes is not activism. If it was /r/sandersforpresident would have been successful. Now their fake activism has resulted in Hilary as the nominee.Like I said above - every post on the front page bumps another real story off the front page. So fuck off with the memes and fake activism. Post the damned article.This has been a rule for ages. We've quietly removed front page threads that are just memes for years now. So nothing really will change here.Rule 5Well - I've never enforced this. Probably never will. But it feels really good to have it in writing somewhere since so many of you bitch about it so often. Just get better at voting please. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR PREFERENCES TO "HIDE VOTED ON" - THIS WILL MAKE REPOSTS BARELY A PROBLEM.Now you've read all this I assume. The only thing thats going to get most of you banned here is spam, dox and racism. Those will be mostly permanent. So don't do that shit.Also - please stop reporting stuff unless its actually spam or a meme.Furthermore - here is the automod ruleset we use here currently. If a post is removed by automod - its likely because of this. If that is the case, message us instead of accusing us of being some sort of crazy censorship power hungry mods.I know you guys love a witch hunt, but seriously, just stop. You are wrong and you should feel bad. I won't care and will only try to get you worked up for it.The only thing I changed on here in the past week was removing the words "Rape, Raped and Cuck" because those should've never been on there in the first place.If you want to tell someone to fuck off - put a little bit of effort into it first. Thats all this ruleset makes you do. I want to see your most creative insults in the modqueue. . . not some super low effort "Fuk urself" - how about something that might cut a little bit deeper with most of our users like "look dude, we know you're already 45 and balding, but its time you stepped outside, got a job and moved the fuck out of your parents basement" - I know its not the greatest insult, but its better than 'fuck ursef' and more entertaining for me to reapprove in the modqueue.remove /r/ProtectandServe linksbody+url: "/r/ProtectAndServe" action: remove modmail: Warning, this links to /r/ProtectAndServe and has been removed. Please investigate. comment: | Your comment was removed due to linking to the fake cop subreddit. Don't do that anymore. Thanks! remove imgur linkstype: link submission body (includes): [""] action: remove comment: Your post has been auto-removed because most links are memes and add no value. If you think your post adds value, make a self post. author: name: [NeonDisease] action: approve Spam control sectionsremove links from udaiso02.combody+url: "udaiso02" action: spam # spam from new users type: submission author: satisfy_any_threshold: false combined_karma : "< 5" account_age: "< 1" action: remove comment: | Inexperienced accounts are assumed to be spam. If this is a legitimate post, and on topic of /r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut (must be directly related) , please [message the mods](, and we'll reinstate it. Additionally, please familiarize yourself with our guidelines located in the sidebar and [reddiquette]( Bigotry/Racism Conditions:# Racism alert for comments type: comment body: [kike, kyke, faggot, fag, nigger, faget, niggers, fagget, spick, gook, chink, tranny, trannie, dyke, faggotry] action: remove # Remove comments + submissions from users with nigger or faggot in them author: name (includes): ["fagg", "nigg"] action: remove # Same as above but somewhat more complicated type: comment body (regex): ['(nigg?(er)?|coon|niggers|k[iy]ke|beaner|faggots|faggy|spick?|wetback|gook|chink|fagg?([eio]t)?(ry)?|d[iy]ke|retard|trann(y|ie)?)s?'] action: remove # Kill yourself removal type: comment body (regex): ["kill yoursel(f|ves)"] action: remove # Remove fighting words comments type: comment body: [kill yourself, kill urself, kil yourself, kil urself, fuck you, fuck u, fuck off, shut the fuck up, fuck yourself, fuk yourself, fuk yourself, fuk urself, stfu, stupid bitch, dumb bitch] action: remove TL/DR: Read it you illiterate fuck.I'm going to go play softball, drink beer and ride my bike now.Edit 2: We won our game.... also this "report" made me lol "1: Suck my balls. Fuck you cocksucker. You PIG BOOT LICKER"

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